I’m J.J. Killins.
A little bit about me –
My family moved here from California twelve years ago.
I have degrees in Dance and Counseling Exceptional Children. Separate degrees, an undergrad and a Master’s.
I love to read, and as an adult I’ve discovered the genre I most love is middle grade literature.
I have been happily married for sixteen years.
I have two amazing children who are growing up way too fast for my heart.
My son has multiple food allergies and Type 1 Diabetes, which might sound like something About Him, but as he’s dealt with these two bumps in the road since before he could crawl, they are also things About Me, things that are a regular part of my day, everyday, as regular as breathing now.
I am a runner.
My least favorite household chore is dusting.
My first thought in the morning is of coffee.
Every Friday in our house is Pizza Friday.
I’ve been photographing my own children since their first breaths. We have volumes of photos documenting every toy, first meals, funny outfits, and while volumes might be excessive, when it comes to photography, more is better. More means you have it documented, just in case you forget.
I can’t wait to meet you, to help you document the everyday specialness of your own family.
Contact me here.